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My Trips to Siberia

With the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moskau to Khabarovsk with a stop at the Baikal. Operated by SSR in co-operation with Sputnik.

"Adventure Siberia", a pioneer trekking in the hills NE of the Altai Mountains. Operated by SSR in co-operation with Neisvedannyj Mir. This was the first travel to Siberia organized by a non-covernment local tour-operator.

"Discovery Journey", a river rafting and volcano trekking on the peninsula between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Operated by SSR in co-operation with Neisvedannyj Mir.

Momsk Mountains
In August 1999, I had the chance to participate in a pioneer trek in the Kolyma Region organized by Sibiriak in co-operation with Kolimintours. We were trekking with reindeer nomads in the Momsk Mountains and rafting on the Rassoha River and the Jassatshnaja River. To trek through this sparsely populated part of the world and to feel the rough and severe Siberian environment was an extraordinary experience. The proficient leadership of our skilled Kolimintours-guides Alic and Jury brought us safe and sound through every part of this exceptional journey. They showed us that Siberia is not just an extremely cold place in the middle of nowhere but a home to people who love this country and are familiar with the skills necessary to live in it. I enjoyed this trek so much that I went back in 2000 for a second run and it had not lost a bit of its magic and charm. I would like to thank Housi and Kolimintours for showing me this wonderful part of Siberia. In 2005 Icould not resist and went back to this wonderful area again. This time, for the rafting only.

Pioneer truck trek over 1922 km through the coldest village in the northern hemisphere. Operated by Sibiriak


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Siberia – 23.02.2003 – N 63° 12´21.7" O 142° 36´33.1" – Photo by Louis Brem